Posts Tagged "health benefits"

Paramedical services in employee benefit plan generally covers chiropractic services, physiotherapy, massage therapy, naturopathy and acupuncture services. It is oftenly described as a nice-to-have addition to employee benefits plans instead of must-haves. But more and more employees are seeing the importance of these services. Having them as an added value to your benefits offering not only attracts prospective talents, but also helps retain your current ones. But nothing is free, so in order to include these in your benefits plan you will have to budget and manage the costs.

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April 2nd is Employee Benefits Day. The day was organized by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP), as a day of appreciation for those in the benefits profession. It is meant to recognize the work these individual do, to educate both employee and employers about the wide range of benefit topics and issues. Every year the IFEBP brings focus on a particular subject, and this year they have chosen Wellness...

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Baby boomers may see health benefits in the workplace as a privilege, but their younger counter parts on the other hand see it as a right. A recent study shows a discrepancy in the way different generations think about these employee benefits.

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