Posts by callawp

The TFSA was introduced to us on January 1, 2009 by the Conservative Government to curb the growing belief that Canadians are becoming inherent spenders, not savers. Since then, the TFSA allows Canadians to contribute in a tax sheltered and ultimately tax-free environment. Any investment growth, interest and capital gains accumulated within the investment are considered effectively “Tax-Free”.

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Registered Retirement Savings Plan contributions are arguably one of the most beneficial tax deductions available to Canadians.
RRSP contributions for 2016 must be made by March 1, 2017, and they can be done either in advance or to catch up on a previous year’s available contribution room. Here some information on how to reduce your income tax, and learn more about the maximum contribution limits!

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The demographics of Canada are rapidly changing due to the aging Baby Boomers, but what does that mean for the financial wellbeing of other generations, especially Millennials?

We have seen that Millennials are entrepreneurial leaders who are passionate about advancing the economic, social and environmental health of themselves and others. However, unlike other generations, they often start their career with student debt and expensive living costs.

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Meghan and Wayne were high school sweethearts and had been together for years before they were married in 2009.
In the year 2014, Meghan decided to get her second degree in early childhood education, planning to be a high school teacher. While she was receiving her full-time education, Wayne was working full-time at a car dealership as a sales representative. The couple didn’t have much savings but they had big hopes for a future.

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Tragic events can happen to anybody; to ourselves, our friends, our family, our children or our colleagues. It is reassuring to know that there is a system in place to help and overcome those difficult times.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides a confidential and voluntary consultation support to employees and their families. It is completely confidential within the limits of the law. The program can be initiated over the phone, by personal appointment or online and self-guided resources.

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