Employee & Family Assistance Programs


Lower Sick Days & Disability Claims - Reduce Medical Claim Costs

Do You Experience High Employee Turnover ?

Do You Have Limited HR Resources ?

Do You Experience High Absenteeism ?

Do You Have the Experience and Expertise to Help Your Employees with:

Employee and Family Assistance Programs (EFAP) are designed to help you, your employees and their dependents to manage and overcome issues by providing them short-term, confidential counseling services ;

What Are Your Company Goals ?

   •  Maintain and promote a positive work environment?

   •  Decrease substance usage and absenteeism?

   •  Increase employee productivity and engagement, and reduce medical claim costs?

If employees have access to counseling and support, everyone wins.
According to researchers, EFAP lowers sick days and disability claims, and increases work morale and productivity.


Lower Your Turnover & Absenteeism Rate in a Truly Confidential & Professional Manner

What Are The Goals of the Employee & Family Assistance Programs (EFAP) ?

Some employers add EFAP to their wellness management because it is the right thing to do. For these companies, EFAP directly ties in with their employee benefits program and human resources management philosophy.

The Advantages of Employee and Family Assistance Programs :

   •   Enhance health, wellness and work-life balance of employees and their dependents by encouraging them to receive services that they need,

   •   Provide advice and consultation to managers, supervisors and plan administrators,

   •   Promote healthy work-personal life balance for everybody.

Employee and Family Assistance Programs | EFAP | EAP

How Employees can Access EFAP ?

The programs can be initiated over the phone, by personal appointment, secure video chat, email and self-guided resources depending on the comfort level of the employee.

How Your Organization, Managers and Plan Administrators can Benefit from EFAP ?

In addition to counseling, EFAPs often provide access to; 

   •  Educational services and programs such as health and wellness presentations and tools,

   •  Supervisor and Plan Administrator training,

   •  Guidance on referring employees to EAP and with their return-to-work and work accommodation needs,

   •  Assistance on supporting employees with personal and work-related issues.

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