Posts by callawp

Diabetes & Ozempic Did you know that over 8.9% of the Canadian population has been diagnosed with diabetes and 6.1% of Canadian adults are considered pre-diabetics? A high percentage, isn’t it? Diabetes rates are increasing not only in Canada, but around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified diabetes as one of the greatest public health challenges of this century. Continue to read the rest of our newsletter...

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Five Tips to Consider Before Filing Your 2022 Taxes It is that time of the year again! You guessed it, it’s the Tax Season. In Canada, filing your tax return every year will ensure you receive any Canadian government credits that you may be eligible for. The 2022 tax return deadline is April 30, 2023. Even if you don’t have a balance owing on your return, or don’t have an income to report, you should still file your taxes annually. If...

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How Inflation Impacts Your Retirement Plan “Just surviving day to day has become a big concern of mine”, “Yes, I can afford what I’m doing right now, but I’m starting to panic. I’m starting to think, ‘How am I going to keep paying for everything?”  - Morgan (65 years old retiree) In a survey done in April of 2022 for 1001 Canadians, data indicated that due to inflation, 54% of households are cutting back on dining out, 51% looking at...

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Inclusion In The Workplace As social beings, we experience the need to feel included and an accepted member in a group. Inclusivity is very essential in our lives: without it, we are vulnerable to having poor mental health and experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation. Our healthy self-worth and self-esteem are tied to feeling included in a group or community. When we feel like we don’t belong anywhere, it can lead to stress,...

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Will Preparation & Estate Planning “As wise as my own father was, he never got around to creating a will, or documenting his assets and their locations. He died in 2001 and all these years later, I am still trying to finish up his estate. It was a monumental detective work just to try to figure out exactly what he had and where. To make matters worse, the assets were in multiple countries, and continents.” - Kashif Ahmed– Real...

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