Lifetime Surviving Spouse Coverage. Facing the Loss and Easing Financial Hardship

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Getting through emotional and financial hardship with CADA 360 Lifetime Surviving Spouse Coverage

Lifetime Surviving Spouse Coverage

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What happens if you or your spouse dies? Meghan had to overcome this overwhelming situation after her husband passed away in a car accident.

Meghan and Wayne were high school sweet hearts and had been together for years before they were married in 2009.

In the year 2014, Meghan decided to get her second degree in early childhood education, planning to be a high school teacher. While she was receiving her full-time education, Wayne was working full-time at a car dealership as a sales representative. The couple didn’t have much savings but they had big hopes for a future. They were soon planning to grow their family and have children.

Meghan`s story. Easing Financial Hardship with CADA Life Time Spousal Coverage

It was one of those busy times for Meghan; she was studying hard for her final exams. One day she received a phone call from police that Wayne had been involved in a car accident and had passed away.

“Losing Wayne and trying to gather the strength to heal from his death was one of the most difficult times of my life” says Meghan. “I didn’t know where or how to start. My education wasn’t important to me anymore. I felt powerless and frustrated. It was really hard to hold it together emotionally and I ended up in the hospital emergency rooms several times due to anxiety attacks. While I was going through these hard times, Wayne`s plan administrator was kind enough to reach me out and educate me about the health and dental benefits that I could use under Lifetime Surviving Spouse Coverage. Because of these benefits, I was able to visit my registered psychologist and my expensive medications were covered.”

With the support that she received from Lifetime Surviving Spouse Coverage from CADA 360, Meghan was able to start over and get back on her feet as quickly as she could. During these times, she wouldn’t have to worry about the financial burden and of out of pocket health expenses which helped her to get back on her feet.

Today she says, “I am grateful to have the peace of mind that I never thought I could have. I consider myself very lucky because I had such a great coverage that helped me through my worst times."

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